This post is my third in the current series. The previous article covered words/terms beginning with the letters “d” to “f”; this one covers the letters “g” through “I”. I will continue to post articles from this series every three or four months over the next year or so.
So, here are some frequently confused and/or misused words beginning with letters (“g” through “i”).
goods, good
There is often confusion whether to use singular or plural. Generally, the plural form should be used. However, the singular is sometimes used to simplify, as per the example.
The goods will arrive by ocean container next week.
All goods received from China will be subject to that new tax.
That charge applies to any good or service originating in Mexico.
“hardly” means “scarcely” or “only just”.
It is often used incorrectly as a double negative, as in: “He can’t hardly do it…”, which is incorrect.
I was so exhausted I could hardly make it back to camp.
After the accident, she could hardly remember anything that had taken place before.
has got, have got
“got” is unnecessary when used with have/has in such phrases as:
“We’ve got twelve days until the deadline.”
We have only twelve days left until the deadline.
They have six months to go before their membership expires.
healthful, healthy
“healthful” means that something is conducive to good health.
“healthy” means that something possesses good health.
That was a very healthful meal that they served us.
If you continue to follow that program you will be very healthy.
“Hisself” is non-standard. DON’T use it. INSTEAD use “himself”.
He went to the game by himself.
He did it all himself.
historical, historic
“historical” means something is related to history.
“historic” means that something is famous or notable in history.
That voyage was of great historical significance.
Gandhi is considered by most historians to be a major historical figure.
Her historic speech broke down many barriers for the first time.
hung, hanged
“hanged” is only used in the context of capital punishment.
“hung” is used in all other cases.
In that country, all people convicted of murder are hanged.
He hung from the branch by the tips of his fingers.
She hung her degree directly above and behind her desk.
They hung out at their favorite hang-out, the corner store.
i.e., e.g.
These two abbreviations are often confused and/or used interchangeably.
“i.e.” means “that is to say…”. [from the Latin: “id est”]
“e.g.” means “for example…” [from the Latin “exempli gratia”]
Conference attendees should assemble quickly (i.e., within five minutes).
To belong, you need to hold an accreditation with a professional society (e.g., CA, RN, MD).
[Note: with e.g. DO NOT add “etc.” at the end of the list. It is a given that these are just examples and there will be others.]
imply, infer
“imply” means to indicate a particular point or meaning in speech or in writing.
“infer” means to make a conclusion based on something that had been said or written.
His statement is expected to clearly imply our future priorities.
Based on the thrust of her speech, we can infer that she is giving us the green light to proceed.
include, comprise
“include” refers to part of a whole.
“comprise” refers to all parts of something.
The Cabinet includes five newly elected representatives.
The committee is comprised of eight members; one from each corporate region.
in regard to
“in regard to” [NOT “in regards to”]; means “with reference to” something.
Equivalent phrases are: “with respect to” or “with regard to” or “as regards”.
He questioned her in regard to her whereabouts that night.
That decision was made with regard to historical religious practices.
With respect to the first paragraph, you are absolutely correct.
As regards our previous discussion, my position has not changed on that matter.
intense, intensive
“intense” means “to a high degree” or “in an extreme way”.
“intensive” means to do something thoroughly; in a concentrated manner.
His focus on the task at hand was very intense.
Their training program was quite intensive.
This is non-standard and redundant. DO NOT use it. Instead, use “regardless”.
We are leaving tomorrow, regardless of the weather.
Regardless of her opinion, I am still going ahead with our plan.
Your tips and explanations are quite enlightening. However, I have a question and a comment:
1) What is the difference between “a healthy diet and “healthful mountain air” (quote: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)?
2) Irregardless may be an incorrect blending of “irrespective” and “regardless”- Perhaps it would also help to point out that, with a negative prefix and a negative suffix, there would be “two negatives”, i.e., a redundancy, which would clarify things.
Best regards and thanks for your post!
You’re very right that these types of words are commonly confusing and we usually make mistakes by using wrong words in our sentences.
Thank you for imparting the best knowledge of confused/misused words
Its great that you keep guiding people with all the useful tips..I would be in Montreal by april 2nd week ..If i get a chance i want to meet you in person and thank
WOW! These words correct me!
Thanks a lot
How many times have I used ‘eg’ together with ‘etc’ even in academic papers. Your explanation makes lots of sense.
Thank you.
thanks for your informative piece on words that are commonly misused.
However, In British English the word comprise is NEVER followed by “of”. It is not “comprises of”. Of is repetitive.E.G. The committe comprises ten members is the correct way
Good morning, I truly didn’t realize how many times I’ve used the wrong word, WOW. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing correct and misuses of certain words. This information is helpful and I will certainly use it myself and share with others.
From an old football coach and math teacher, just let me say your comments are a great enjoyment and benefit to me. Thank you for the time and effort you dedicate to our edification in such a valuable area.
Coach Jerry Smith
Although I am quite familiar with many of these confused words, its always a pleasure to see it so well compiled. Being a Communication Skills (Spoken English) coach, I do come across so many “educated” persons of all age groups and various professionals, making these blunders.
Thanks a lot for sharing all this good work.
This is great thanks for sharing.
Your posts are always informative. Sometimes I already know it but it’s good to reinforce my understanding, and sometimes I am not sure of something and you do a good job of clarifying it for me. Thanks again, Patricia
Thank you for your post. I will pay more attention to how I use these words.I have already confused others.
I’m pleased to hear the season’s change in your area, which is now in spring. Any transformation is usually interesting time, as humans reluctant to stagnant condition or idle situation and mostly movements are always preferable. Seasons happened to our outside willingness, different from squash, hockey or other sports that we create ourselves. In most outside events, people who believe in God, may say because of God’s willing.
As I’m from non-speaking English world, your this month’s tips are very valuable to me, and I certainly will use that in any of my communication.
Thanks again, see you later.
As you have often pointed out, people look up to the media for examples of correct usage of words and phrases. However, the members of the media are the greatest perpetrators of the common mistakes that we learn from them and use in our everyday practice of the language. Let’s hope your effort will go a long way in correcting the situation. Please keep it up.
Your elaboration on the subject is admirable. Most people are commonly misused confused by these words, also me too. Your guideline examples are also appreciated. Your efforts for correct usage of words and phrases are indeed useful to learners.
Your tips really educate. More mistakes are made nowadays, in my opinion, because we speak “weirder” English now. We shorten words, mix tenses and use words in ways that are not always correct. This affects our writing too. Sometimes, I find it hard to determine what the correct words to use are because of this so thank you.